Well isn't it a funny old time! 2020 has been a bit crap hasn't it, but that hasn't stopped Ellen and Tom looking forward to their wedding, which should have already been and gone but has had to be postponed. So they thought they'd treat themselves to a picturesque pre wedding photoshoot in the gorgeous hills of North Wales. Of course we still had an amazing time despite social distancing. We chatted about their plans, and they got used to being in front of the camera. It was the perfect opportunity to meet before the big day and get something special for them to look back on.
We found some really beautiful spots for the pre wedding shoot, I must say North Wales is one of my favourite places, there are so many gorgeous locations there and I've shot weddings all over, from the foot of Snowden to a steam train across Caernarfon. All absolutely beautiful. These two get married next year at Pryors Hayes, one of my favourite wedding venues. So fingers crossed Corona Virus buggers off so we can have the amazing wedding they deserve!
Aren't they bloody gorgeous! If you'd like to treat yourself to a pre wedding shoot, get in touch!